Faith Formation
Jeevan Dhara Spirituality Centre, Raiganj
The vision and mission of the centre is to promote ongoing renewal and faith formation of Priests, Religious, and Laity through retreats, Ignatian Spiritual Exercises, Scripture, seminars on psycho-spiritual developments, Religious leadership, Inter-Religious harmony, socio-ecological issues and training in Small Christian Community.
Programmes: once in every month a residential retreat for laity. The participants come in the evening and stay for next full three days and go back on the fifth day morning after Mass and breakfast. The number of participants varies from month to month: from fifty to two hundred. Our experience shows that those who participate in the retreats grow in their faith and faith commitment and also they experience a lot of emotional, physical and spiritual healing.
In a year about ten 6 to 8 days retreats are conducted for Priests and Religious. Besides these twice a year on month (30 days) Ignatian Spiritual Exercises are given to those in formation both religious and diocesan seminarians. We also have outreaching programme for the Laity and Religious.
Fr Varkey Chenayakal SJ along with his two lay collaborators, Mr Barnabas Soren and Mr Manohar Soren preach about forty three day Santali retreats to parishioners in their own Parishes and village centers. Normally hundreds of people participate in these retreats. During the Lenten season in big parishes and at the deanery level retreats are conducted. Thousands of people attend these retreats. The Laity very eagerly wait for and attend these retreats preached in Santali. They are thirsty for the Word of God. Fr Varkey and team feels that retreat preaching is a joyful, enriching and transforming experience. Most of these retreats are conducted under temporary tents put up by the people in the open grounds. They also look after our basic needs of food and shelter. Praise the Lord!
Catechists’ Training Centre, Torai