Social Apostolate

Social Apostolate in Dumka-Raiganj Province had its birth pangs in early 1980s. The call of GC 32, “to engage under the standard of the Cross, in the crucial struggle of our time: the struggle for faith and that struggle for justice which it includes” (GC32, D.2:12) challenged Dumka- Raiganj Province to respond to the demands, aspirations and challenges that the people of our Mission paused before us. And the Province responded very positively to these challenges. We started a few Social Centers since then. We believe that evangelization is a process of listening to the innermost and deepest yearnings of the people to find expression and meaning, and animating, guiding and walking with the marginalized to stand on their feet and express themselves. It is not just lending voice to the voiceless but showing a way to the voiceless to march forward, stand up and demand to be counted.