Vocation Promotion

Become a Jesuit

It all began with Fr Anthony Debono, a round cap on his head, sitting on a horse ready to march for a reason. Indeed that was a well discerned move to go by God’s plan. The journey was not so pleasant as he encountered tough and challenging situations. The Santals were the victims of unjust oppression and they were often left powerless. The presence and activities of the Jesuits brought a ray of hope to the Santal brothers and sisters. The missionaries lived in the midst of the people and shared their joys and pain, day in and day out. Fr Debono SJ made the radical pioneering step. He started the mission in a mud house, which would later become the bedrock of Dumka-Raiganj Province of the Society of Jesus. Many Jesuits shed their lives to make this land fertile. Now the Dumka-Raiganj Province needs young men of vision. If you are a man of sterling quality Dumka-Raiganj Province embraces you with love and affection.

For almost 500 years, Jesuit priests and brothers have lived an amazing story of serving the Church in new and unexpected ways. Now serving in 112 nations on six continents, Jesuits number about 16,000 priests, brothers and seminarians worldwide. Jesuits work in a wide variety of roles including teacher, doctor, poet, lawyer, social worker, writer, administrator, professor, pastor, scientist and artist. Jesuits also engage in missionary work, pastoral work, social justice activities, interreligious dialogue and other ministries. Most importantly, Jesuits continue the tradition of providing Christian retreats based on the Spiritual Exercises – the foundational writing of St Ignatius of Loyola.

In all places, in all ministries, Jesuit priests and brothers strive to be “men for others.”

Join us with the aim to build a human community animated by faith, freedom and justice. Come and live out your dreams with a commitment to establish kingdom of God among Santhal, Paharia and other brothers and sisters.

Let’s together carry forward the great legacy created by our selfless missionaries and nurture this blessed fertile land with our new thinking.

“Have you sometimes heard the voice of the Lord which through a desire, a certain restlessness, invites you to follow him more closely? Have you had any desire to be apostles of Jesus?”

- Pope Francis

Jesuits look for men who feel called by God and who also possess

Here are some ways in which you can learn more about the Society of Jesus in Dumka-Raiganj: