The annual Province Days were held at Jeevan Dhara from May 21-23. The theme of the Province Days was, “Honouring Our History with its Lights and Shadows.” Rev.Fr John Dardis SJ, General Assistant, was our resource person who through the spiritual conversation method helped us reflect on the theme. The sessions consisted of talks, personal prayer, Emmaus walk in twos or threes, group discussions, common sharing sessions, Examen, and takeaway sessions.

The formal opening of the Province Days began at 6:30 am on 21 May with the Eucharistic celebration presided over by the Provincial Rev.Fr K.C. Stephen SJ with Fr Prakash Hansdak SJ and Fr Stephen Raj SJ assisting him at the altar. In the session at 9:00 am, Fr Provincial welcomed the members and 

gave an outline of the goals of the meeting. Thereafter, Fr John Dardis guided the members to recall the main events in the History line and our feelings while recalling them.

The following day, 22 May, Golden Jubilarians Fr John Dardis SJ, Fr Kuruvilla Pandikattu SJ, Fr Stanislaus Soosainayagam SJ, and Fr Thomas Kottackal SJ presided over the Eucharist. During the homily, they spoke about their priestly vocation and the ministries they had zealously engaged in as priests. During the session, Fr Damian Tudu SJ presented a synthesized summary of the Superiors’report on DSS. It was followed by a presentation on ‘the external context today’ by Fr John Felix SJ and ‘the internal context today’ by Fr Provincial K.C.Stephen SJ.
