Social Communication
Looking back into the past in the field of social communication in the Province, Jesuits have played a great role both through visual and print media in giving the message of God’s love to the people. Catholic books were translated in Santali for use by the Catholic community. In 1946 Marsaltabon, the monthly Santali magazine was launched. In 1970s and 80s mobile unit equipped with audio-visual media was used for catechesis in the villages. In 1978 ‘Sademarsal,’ a recording audio-visual centre was established which served to make Audio tapes in Santali, Biblical and catechetical flannel-graphs, health and social uplift charts, silk-screen printing of the OT & NT pictures. In 1979 a printing press was set up at Tinpahar with the aim of facilitating the printing of religious Santali literature in Santal Parganas. Xavier Communications Centre was started in 2015 with an aim to produce media materials that would help in carrying out various ministries in the Province in a more plausible and effective way.